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Quality Assurance

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Quality Assurance


Uniqueness is Powerful!

At Silva Care we champion and believe in the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to recognise the rights of all people, to advocate mutual respect and acceptance of others without prejudices or biases of any kind. 

the service you deserve

Peace of mind

We want to make sure that we are giving you a good service. We do this by a process called quality assurance. This process involves rigorous checks on our staff and the services we deliver to ensure our standards are of the highest quality and that you are satisfied with them.

Silva Care will also send you a questionnaire every now and then, giving you the opportunity to give us some feedback. We hope that you will be happy with the service you receive from Silva Care but if you are not you should tell us.

If the problem is not resolved and your care/ support is funded through either social services or the NHS you may approach them and follow their individual complaints procedures.  Your support worker will be able to find out who funds your care if you do not know this. Silva Care is routinely inspected by Care Quality Commission and other authorities.

Setting goals and achieving outcomes is important for each and every individual we support. Monitoring and recording outcomes is well documented, with every service user taking part in their person centred plan.
Informative and in depth How to Support Me care plans are completed with the help of all those involved with a person to ensure each individual receives the best possible support with their needs.

let us know

Feedback & Complaints

We welcome and encourage feedback about the service so that we can try to improve.  If you are unhappy about the service you can talk to any member of staff.  They will take your problem seriously and they may need to ask you further questions to help to understand why you are unhappy.  They will tell you what they are going to do about your problem. If you are not happy with what they say or you think it is very serious you can inform one of the managers directly.  They will investigate your complaint and tell you what is going to happen.

Silva Care's Gender Pay Gap Data

 UK companies with 250 or more employees must publish their gender pay gap data. The data published is based on a snapshot date in April 2023.

The calculations have been made according to a strict formula, with all the results published on the Government’s Gender Pay Gap Service website. This shows that in comparison to most other large employers, Silva Care has a very small gender pay gap. This reflects the work we have done over many years to ensure our organisation is free from the bias, which allows the gender pay gap to grow.

  • Men’s hourly rate is 0.1% higher (mean) and 3.4% higher (median).
  • Top salary quartile has 26% men and 74% women.
  • Upper middle salary quartile has 27% men and 73% women. 
  • Lower middle salary quartile has 30% men and 70% women. 
  • Lower salary quartile has 26% men and 74% women. 
  • Women’s bonus pay is 0% lower (mean) and 0% lower (median). 
  • 0% of men and 0% of women received bonus pay. 

 An important thing to bear in mind – Gender Pay Gap is not the same as equal pay. Equal pay – that men and women doing the same job should be paid the same – has been a legal requirement for 50 years.